The Beautiful Tremendous Smart Amazing Classy Winning Children of Donald

I was trying to figure out the rationality of people who fall in love with the Trumpster, you know, the ones who see any negative stories about him as a fault on the part of his critics rather than on the man himself, the ones who have accepted the term "fake news" as anything that doesn't coddle the Commander in Chief, or lavish praise on him, rather than "news" that's actually fake, like Pizzagate.

I was drawing a blank until I realized it was a cult. Their leader can do no wrong, despite the overwhelming and abundant evidence to the contrary and the power of the cult can even cause the Children of Don to forgo their actual religious principles. The seven deadly sins? Trump personifies each one of them, and yet they turn a blind eye. The flock can overlook his transgressions so that their Savior, ordained by God Almighty, can apparently free the country of Roe Vs. Wade, or at least piss off some libs in the process.

I know there are others like me, who shake their collective heads multiple times a day at the Bizarro World this country has become, where we actually seem to be living in the novel 1984, and facts can change from day to day or minute to minute with the whim of Big Brother. I watch with horror as appointed officials constantly waste taxpayer money, enrich themselves through their offices, transfer protections from citizens to corporations, ignore science, gloss over their illustrious leader's crazy rantings, defend the indefensible, as the Republican Party transforms into the Energizer Bunny of Immorality and no one with an R before their name is ever … ever held accountable unless they badmouth the boss.

I have no doubt a lot of elected Republicans have just fallen in line because they want to stay in office or perhaps it's the path to getting their policy goals, but it seems the well has run dry on ideas, so what the hell? Like a cult, anyone in the party not rolling over onto his or her (but mostly his) back, licking the Trumpster's boots and professing total fealty to their illustrious leader is thrown under the bus, shunned from the community, never to be elected again.

I guess I've just been blindsided by the sheer numbers of people indoctrinated so easily into the cult. They seem to have gone there willingly. And I've been reading aghast that the "blue wave" expected for November has become more of a trickle.

If the minority of voters who put the least deserving, narcissistic shitbag into the presidency just wanted to drive liberals crazy, then kudos to them. They've done it.

I'm throwing in my vote for a new name for the Republican Party: The Beautiful Tremendous Smart Amazing Classy Winning Children of Donald.
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