Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's accusations
September 29, 2018 06:53 AM Filed in: Political | Supreme Court
Does anyone truly believe a woman would make up a sexual assault scenario wherein a friend of the accused is the only eye witness? If she were fabricating the story, the only logical course would be to say they were alone during the assault so no one could dispute it. And is she sure it was him? "One hundred percent."
Polygraph tested. A history of discussing the assault years before Kavanaugh was nominated. And let's not forget that there are other accusers. Her account has truth written all over it.
Let's put both Kavanaugh and Mark Judge on a polygraph and see how they do.
Polygraph tested. A history of discussing the assault years before Kavanaugh was nominated. And let's not forget that there are other accusers. Her account has truth written all over it.
Let's put both Kavanaugh and Mark Judge on a polygraph and see how they do.